First name

Last Name

Phone number

Your e-mail:

What faculty are you in?

What program are you in?

How many years have you completed in your program?

Do you have any previous research experience?

If yes, please describe your previous research experience

Do you know any of the following programming languages? (select all that apply)

C+ / C++

Why are you looking for research experience?

Why do you think that CANdiLab is the best lab for you to gain experience in?

What are your career aspirations?

Please upload an updated copy of your transcripts

(unofficial is fine)

Please upload an updated copy of your resume / CV

Form sent successfully. Thank you.
Please fill all required fields!

CANdiLab is a teaching laboratory that encourages involvement from students at all levels of seniority and expertise.

Please see minimum requirements for undergraduate applicants HERE.


Please complete the following application to be considered for a Research Assistant position in the lab. 

Volunteer Application

CANdiLab is the Clinical Affective Neuroscience Laboratory for Discovery and Innovation at Ontario Tech University